You’ve probably heard more about #preppers in the media lately with the current COVID-19 stuff also going on. But trust, the doomsday preppers have been at it already for literal YEARS.
While it may be easy for some people to get carried away thinking of “surviving extreme weather events” related to climate change…it’s important to remember that global climate change is a gradual process… One that’s already taking place. That’s what today’s episode is all about. How we respond to this transition. The ways we’re preparing our cities, buildings and even wild spaces to deal. And it’s not all doom and gloom, a big part of this prep is about imagining the world of the future, about dreaming up sustainable living cities… And the coolest thing? If we do it right, this prep can actually help us stop global warming.
Today we are exploring our two options when it comes to helping us figure out how to deal: mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation is about reducing emissions to slow or stop global warming. Things like pollution deterring carbon taxes and carbon sinks. Yay tree planting! Adaptation focuses on making adjustments to better cope with the effects of climate change, hopefully before they happen. Things like shoring up buildings to deal with severe storms or making sure hospitals and old folks homes have backup power.
….So I guess today’s vibe is that; focusing on resilience and long term sustainability really is the best option… And working with nature is pretty much the only way we can avoid the more destructive effects of climate change. Also, any future we imagine for ourselves has to be built to last.